Websites are typically attacked every 39 seconds, and each assault results in the theft of 75 records. About 66% of the businesses that have been breached are not equipped to handle cyberattacks, financial loss, or reputational harm. Attackers insert malware on websites, and these websites are daily banned or quarantined by search engines like Google, resulting in a loss of organic traffic and potential future earnings.

A thorough and effective web application security solution helps prevent a website security compromise. Let’s examine how websites are compromised and how to safeguard your websites and online apps.

4 Ways Exist To Hack Websites.

1. Ineffective or flawed access controls.

Access control includes user privileges, authorization, and authentication for the website, servers, hosting control panel, social media forums, systems, and network, among other things. You may specify who has access to your website and all of its parts, data, and assets as well as how much authority and privilege they have by using access control.

Hackers frequently employ brute-force assaults, which include username and password guessing, attempting generic passwords, utilizing password generation tools, social engineering/phishing emails, and clicking on links, among other things.

Websites that are more susceptible to these attacks include those that:

  • Have weak user privileges and authorization policies and provisioning procedures.
  • Don’t insist on using secure passwords.
  • A 2FA policy shouldn’t be enforced.
  • Passwords shouldn’t be changed frequently, especially when a worker leaves the company.
  • Demand HTTPS connections, but do not.

2. Exploiting security misconfigurations and vulnerabilities

An attacker can take advantage of a vulnerability to gain unauthorized access or carry out unlawful operations. A vulnerability is a weakness or improper protection. By taking advantage of vulnerabilities, attackers can run code, install malware, steal, or change data.

Security flaws and vulnerabilities can be discovered in the:

  • Web application/website code.
  • Frameworks for web development.
  • Plug-ins and content management systems.
  • out-of-date parts.
  • OS (Operating System).
  • Server and infrastructure.

Hackers typically snoop about and crawl websites to find underlying flaws and vulnerabilities and then plan assaults and data breaches.

3. Sharing hosting

Even if one of the websites on the platform where your website is housed has a serious vulnerability, there is still a significant likelihood that your website will get hacked. It is simple to obtain a list of the web servers accessible at a certain IP address; the trick is then to identify the weakness to exploit. If your website is not protected from the beginning of creation, the danger becomes much more.

4. Third-party services/integrations

The security of your website depends on the quality of your third-party service providers. Since you don’t have much control over these third-party services, any security flaws in their network, systems, or applications also influence your security posture.

Keeping Your Website Safe From Hackers.

Any kind of website security is important. Education and awareness are crucial to maintaining a secure website. And just by reading this tutorial, you’ve improved your ability to protect your website.

There are specified actions you must do to proceed. We want to assist you in achieving them. Unfortunately, so many website owners only take security seriously until something has already gone wrong.

Instead, why not take these actions to prevent yourself from becoming hurt and get ahead of the pain:

  • Apply the Defense in Depth concepts. This entails creating an onion-like structure of security layers. Every technique makes it harder for hackers to get into your environment.
  • Utilize the principle of the least privileged. Make sure you restrict what each site user may do after logging in.
  • Wherever you can implement two-factor authentication and multi-factor authentication. This will strengthen the security of those specific user access points.
  • Use a firewall for websites. This would greatly reduce the methods used by hackers to take advantage of software flaws.
  • Make frequent backup appointments. In this manner, if your website is ever hacked, you may easily restore it.
  • Obtain the viewpoints of the top search engines. Both Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools provide helpful data on their assessments of the security of your website.

Afterward, realize that there is no certain technique to always be 100% safe. The tools you use in the environment of your website will greatly lower your total risk. Security, however, is not a single act or occurrence. It consists of many activities.

You’ll undoubtedly run across one of the security situations we’ve discussed in this tutorial now that you know what to do and what to look for. However, you will now be more aware of what to do to fix the issue.

Know more – How Do Companies Get Hacked?

How iTechwares can help?

Your website is the front face of your business and the showcase of your services. If your website gets hacked, your business will be ruined and your client will be gone. The economic loss you will face cannot be recovered. But iTechwares is here to help you.

We provide a website hack recovery service to bring back your website from hackers. We also secure your website from hackers from further intrusion. We always value your website because we know your website can contain valuable information and financial data. 

Final Thoughts

Hackers sometimes do not distinguish between a multimillion-dollar company and a tiny company offering homemade items. Websites get hacked for a variety of reasons, regardless of the size of your business or the type of your website. If you run a large company, an attacker may be targeting your data or your business continuity. They might also be aiming to install malware and use your website to spread it elsewhere.