Security sectors increasingly often utilize vulnerability scanning and hacking technologies to examine apps’ and networks’ vulnerabilities. You’ll be able to locate the Complete Vulnerability screening & Haking Devices list right here on our site. This list includes everything you need to perform Security testing operations in any scenario.

To search for flaws and repair vulnerable systems, every firm must use vulnerability assessment and penetration testing methods.

Because cyber intrusions are all on the rise, businesses need to focus close care to security research and constantly monitor their networks to stop attacks that might seriously harm their reputation.

Top 99 Ethical Hacking Tools and Software

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Burp Suite:

1. ActiveScan++

The capabilities of Burp Suite’s direct and indirect scanning are expanded with the help of ActiveScan++. This finds application characteristics that would be of relevance to experienced testers while adding the least amount of network cost.

2. BurpSentinel

The pentester may submit several malicious queries to HTTP response parameters fast and simply using BurpSentinel. Additionally, it displays a bunch of data from the HTTP answers that match tremendous the attack queries. This kind of concealed vulnerability may be easily found, but it also frees up the analyst to concentrate on other crucial tasks.

3. Autorepeater Burp

Burp Suite’s autonomous HTTP request repetition using the HTTP protocol.

4. Autorize Burp

Among the most time-consuming duties throughout web service, penetration testing is assisting the vulnerability tester to find authorization flaws. Authorize seems to be a plugin designed to do just that.

5. Burp Beautifier

The Burpsuite addition for decorating request/response bodies, BurpBeautifier supports Javascript, JSON, HTML, and XML formats and is written using Jython 2.7.

6. Flow

Across all Burp utilities, this addon offers a view similar to the Proxy record along with query filtering possibilities.

7. Headless Burp

With this plugin, you may use the command prompt to execute the headless versions of the Spider as well as Scanner tools from Burp Suite.

8. Logger++

An add-on of Burp Suite called Logger++ supports multi-threaded monitoring. The extension enables complex criteria to be configured to highlight important records or screen logs to just those that fit the criteria in order to grab queries and answers from across other Burp Suite utilities.

9. WSDL Wizard

The extension looks for WSDL documents on a targeted system. Right-click upon that appropriate destination throughout the site directory after doing the standard modeling of a platform’s content, then select “Browse for WSDL documents” from the navigation pane. The plugin will look for Links containing the. WSDL document format in the previously found contents and make educated guesses about the placement of any further WSDL files depending on the document names currently being used. This Burp Extender application’s output tab for the extension contains the findings of the screening.

10. JSON_Beautifier

This addon offers a JSON bar with a prettier request/response display.

Web Hacking:

11. JSParser

For extracting comparative URLs mostly from JavaScript sources, another Python 2.7 code that makes use of Tornado as well as JSBeautifier has been created. This is extremely helpful when doing security investigations and bug bounty seeking to find AJAX queries.

12. Knockpy

Another Python utility called Knockpy is intended to count the number of subdirectories on a specified site using a word string. When a DNS area transfer is detected, it is intended to automatically ignore that wildcard DNS entry. Now that Knockpy enables VirusTotal subdomain searches, its API KEY may be configured inside its config.json document.

13. Lazys3

Another script written in Ruby uses a variety of variations to try the brute-force its way into AWS S3 containers.

14. Sublist3r

With the aid of OSINT, the Python program Sublist3r can list all the subdomains of webpages. It aids bug trackers and security researchers in gathering subdomains for such sites they are focusing on. Utilizing a variety of search engines, Sublist3r lists subdomains. Additionally, Sublist3r lists subdomains utilizing various other tools.

15. Teh_s3_bucketeers

On the Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure, Teh_s3_bucketeers seems to be a security feature that can find S3 containers.

16. Virtual-host-discovery

This simple HTTP scanner lists all of the virtual sites that are accessible at a particular IP address. It might broaden the scope throughout recon by identifying outdated or obsolete code. Inside the creator’s /etc/hosts directory, secret hosts which are explicitly mapped could potentially be exposed.

17. WPscan

To evaluate the safety of their websites, security experts and bloggers created the complimentary (for non-commercial usage) black box Wp vulnerability scanner known as WPScan.

18. Webscreenshot

A basic script for capturing screenshots from a range of domains, depending on the link-to-images PhantomJS code.

19. Asnlookup

This Autonomous Service Number (ASN) Data tool shows details regarding an Internet protocol address’s Autonomous Service Number (ASN), including the IP holder, commencement date, issuing operator, and the maximum IP scope of the AS.

20. Unfurl

To identify URLs that could be susceptible to assault, Unfurl analyzes big sets of Addresses and calculates their entropies.

21. Waybackurls

Acknowledge line-delimited addresses from stdin; then, get available Addresses for *.domain mostly from Wayback Project and print them to stdout.

22. Httprobe

Examines a collection of addresses for active HTTP as well as HTTPS servers.

23. Meg

Meg seems to be a program for downloading several URLs quickly and efficiently. It may be utilized to collect several pathways for numerous hosts or only one path for every host before going into the next route and continuing the process.

24. Gau

Getallurls (gau) retrieves well-known Addresses for any provided site using AlienVault’s Public Threat Registry, the Wayback Archive, and Universal Spider. Waybackurls from Tomnomnom are an inspiration.

25. Ffuf

A quick web fuzzer developed in Go.

26. Dirsearch

A basic command-line program for brute-forcing website folders and files.

27. OWASP Zed

The open source software provided by OWASP most for internet application vulnerability assessments is called OWASP Zed Attacking Proxy (ZAP). This aids in the discovery of security holes in your program.

28. Subfinder

Subfinder seems to be a subdomain finding tool that uses active Web databases to locate legitimate subdomains for webpages. It is built with a straightforward modular design and is speed-optimized. Subfinder is designed only for active subdomain identification, and it excels at it.

29. EyeWitness

EyeWitness’s functions include taking pictures of webpages, providing information about server headers, and locating any default login information. Kali Linux has been intended to operate EyeWitness. Containing the -f parameter, it will automatically determine if the data you provide is such Nmap XML result, Nessus XML outcome, or a word document with Addresses on each subsequent row. The —timeout switch allows you to specify the maximum amount of time to allow while attempting to generate and capture a website. It is entirely optional.

30. Nuclei

Nuclei seem to be a quick tool with extensive extensibility and user-friendliness for configurable focused scanning depending on patterns.

31. Naabu

Naabu seems to be a Go dock scanning program that makes it easy to quickly and accurately list the valid channels for domains. It’s a very simple program that does quick SYN searches on the server or range of addresses and lists every port that responds.

32. Shuffledns

ShuffleDNS seems to be a go-written shell for massdns which enables active brute-force enumeration of eligible subdomains in addition to subdomain resolution with simple input-output compatibility and wildcard management.

33. DNSProbe

Using a range of user-supplied routers, DNSProbe, a utility developed on the base of retryabledns, enables you to run numerous DNS requests of your choosing.

34. Chaos

Chaos regularly monitors and updates the data of all assets on the internet. The goal of this initiative is to improve the analysis of DNS updates and investigation in general.

35. Subjack

Subjack seems to be another Go-based subdomain takeover program created to simultaneously search a collection of aliases and find those that might be stolen. This tool particularly shines out whenever it involves mass-testing because of Go’s quickness and reliability. To eliminate false alarms, always carefully double-check your findings.

36. gitGraber

Another Python3 script called gitGraber was created to track GitHub and look for and locate critical information in the real moments for various web businesses.

37. Shhgit

Through monitoring the GitHub Activities API, Shhgit locates important and confidential files inside the GitHub source, and Gists pushed in almost real-time.

38. Commit-stream

All author data (identity and email account) connected to Github accounts are exposed in a timely manner via Commit-stream, which collects commit records mostly from Github occurrence API.

39. Masscan

An extensive port scanner for the Internet. With a single computer, it can transfer 10 million frames per second and scan the whole Internet in just 6 minutes.

40. MassDNS

MassDNS is really a straightforward, strong DNS stub solution designed to help those who need to answer a large number of web addresses. MassDNS can resolve more than 350,000 identifiers per second utilizing publically accessible resolvers without any extra setup.

41. Findomain

Findomain provides a dedicated surveillance system housed on Amazon (just the native version is complimentary), which enables you to keep an eye on your targeted domains and notify webhooks for Discord, Slack, and even Telegram chats whenever new subcategories are discovered.

42. Amass

This OWASP Amass Initiative uses open source data collection, active reconnaissance methods, and network modeling to conduct attack perimeter and exterior asset identification.

43. DNSgen

From the data given, this program produces a variety of domain identities. Wordlists are used to construct combinations. Each execution extracts a certain set of words.

44. Dngrep

A tool that facilitates the finding of presorted domain addresses in a timely manner. constructed using the Rapid7 fdns and rdns database.

45. Wfuzz

Wfuzz was developed to make the work of evaluating web applications easier, and this is predicated on such a simple idea: it substitutes the result of a specified payload for all references towards the FUZZ phrase.

46. Aquatone

An easy-to-understand summary of the HTTP-based exploitation surface is provided by Aquatone, the program for visual analysis of websites among several servers.

47. WhatWeb

WhatWeb acknowledges a wide range of online technologies, such as content managing solutions (CMS), blogging software, statistical and analytical tools, JavaScript modules, web applications, and embedded structures. WhatWeb contains more than 1800 addons, each of which can recognize various things. Edition numbers, email accounts, user IDs, online framework packages, SQL problems, and other information are also identified by WhatWeb.

48. Dirb

An online content analyzer is called DIRB. It attacks a web service using a thesaurus and then examines the reply.

49. DNScan

Python-based wordlist scanner for DNS subdomains that’s what DNScan is all about.

50. Sublert

Sublert is just a Python-based security and spying tool that takes use of credential visibility for the primary purpose of keeping track of newly released subdomains by certain businesses and a valid TLS/SSL license. The program is intended to be set up to execute on a regular basis at certain times, periods, or durations. A warning message will be delivered to the Slack workplace for any newly discovered subdomains. The program also carries out DNS lookup to identify functional subdomains.

Letest Topic, which we cover:

51. Recon-ng

The full-featured surveillance framework called Recon-ng was created with the intention of giving users a strong environment in which to carry out open access, web-based espionage efficiently.

52. Jok3r

A framework called Jok3r aids penetration investigators in their evaluations of online and network protection. Its objective is to systematize as far as necessary in an attempt to swiftly find and take advantage of “easy wins” and “low-hanging fruits” vulnerabilities on the majority of popular TCP/UDP applications and web applications.

53. DirBuster

In order to undertake brute force attacks on paths and file identifiers on website and software servers, that utility seems to be a multi-threaded Java program. DirBuster gives users an extra attack vector by looking for hidden folders and pages inside web service.

54. AltDNS

A DNS reconnaissance tool called Altdns makes it possible to find subdomains that follow certain patterns. Along with a collection of recognized subdomains, AltDNS accepts phrases that could appear in subdomains behind a domain (including experimental, dev, and staging).

55. Recon_profile

This utility makes it simple to generate aliases that may be used in a further SSH or port.

56. BBHT

A script called “Bug Bounty Hunting Tools” may be installed to set up the most common programs regarding bug bounty seeking.

Mobile Hacking:

57. MobSF

Mobile Safety Framework (MobSF) seems to be an autonomous, all-in-one platform for malware classification, and security audit, including pen-testing smartphone apps. It is competent in both classical and reactive analysis.

58. Jadx

Decompiles Java code from dex files using Jadx. offers command-line and graphical interface tools for generating Java original code using Dex as well as Apk formats for Android.

59. Dex2Jar

Dex2Jar seems to be a free utility for working with Java “. class” as well as Android “. dex” documents.

60. Radare2

a free/open-source toolchain for simplifying a number of low-level activities, including forensics, application reverse engineering, exploitation, debugging, etc. This is made up of several applications that may be automated using practically any coding platform and frameworks that may be expanded with plugins.

61. Genymotion

Useful Android development and testing tool that works across platforms. Create and automate your processes to provide applications of the highest quality.

62. Frida “Universal” SSL Unpinner

Universal unpinner. 

63. Frida

Software builders, backward engineers, and safety experts may all benefit from this dynamic instrumentation toolbox.


64. SQLNinja

Sqlninja is a program designed to take advantage of SQL Injection flaws in online applications that utilize Microsoft SQL Server as their back end.

65. XSS Hunter

Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities of all types, including the often overlooked blind XSS, may be discovered with XSS Hunter. The service operates by hosting specific XSS probes that, when launched, scan the website and alert the XSS Hunter service about the vulnerable page.

66. NoSQLMap

NoSQLMap is a free and open-source Python program created to detect and automate injection attacks, as well as to take advantage of configuration flaws in NoSQL databases and web applications that use NoSQL to reveal or copy database contents.

67. Ysoserial

A tool for creating payloads that take advantage of unsafe Java object deserialization.

68. Sqlmap

An open-source penetration testing tool called sqlmap automates the process of finding and exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities and gaining control of database servers. A strong detection engine, numerous specialized features for the ultimate penetration tester, and a wide range of switches are included. These switches include database fingerprinting, data retrieval from databases, access to the underlying file system, and operating system command execution over out-of-band connections.

69. SSRFTest

SSRF test instrument.

70. Retire.JS

Looking for weak js libraries on websites.

71. Spiderfoot

SpiderFoot is a program that may automate your OSINT (open source intelligence) gathering. It automates OSINT gathering and interfaces with almost any data source on the market, allowing you to concentrate on data analysis.


72. OpenVAS

In terms of functionality, OpenVAS is unparalleled among vulnerability scanners. It has the ability to conduct both unauthorized and authorized scans, authenticated and non-authenticated tests, performance tweaking for large-scale scans, and a robust internal programming language to construct any kind of vulnerability test.

73. Nikto

Nikto is an Open Source (GPL) web server scanner that runs thorough tests on web servers for a variety of things, including over 6700 potentially harmful files/programs, checks for out-of-date versions on over 1250 sites, and version-specific issues on over 270 servers.

74. Wapiti

You may assess the security of your websites or online apps with Wapiti. By scanning the web pages of the deployed web application, it conducts “black-box” scans (it does not examine the source code) of the web application in search of scripts and forms where it may insert data.

75. Metasploit

An open-source system for vulnerability assessments is Metasploit.

76. Maltego

Maltego is a graphical link analysis and open source intelligence (OSINT) application for assembling and linking data for forensic activities.

77. Canvas

Penetration testers and security experts throughout the globe have access to hundreds of vulnerabilities, an automated exploitation system, and a complete, dependable platform for developing attacks thanks to CANVAS.

78. Snlper

Snlper Community Edition is an automated scanner that may be used to list and search for vulnerabilities during a penetration test. Professional penetration testers, bug bounty hunters, and corporate security teams may manage expansive environments and pentest scopes with the help of Sn1per Professional, a premium reporting plugin for Xero Security.

79. Lazyrecon

A Bash script called LazyRecon was created with the goal of automating the time-consuming process of reconnaissance and information collecting. An HTML report with the facts structured lets you decide what to do next.

80. Osmedeus

You may use Osmedeus to automatically execute an outstanding toolkit for target reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning.

81. Reconness

ReconNess assists you in running and maintaining all of your #recon in one location, letting you concentrate just on the targets that may be susceptible without distraction and without needing a significant amount of bash or programming experience.

82. IronWASP

An open-source tool for evaluating web application vulnerabilities is called IronWASP (Iron Web Application Advanced Security testing Platform). It is created in a manner that anyone with the necessary expertise may use as a foundation to build their own scanners. Users that are familiar with Python and Ruby will be able to use IronWASP to its full potential. IronWASP, however, offers a number of features that are easy to comprehend.

83. Nmap

Nmap, often known as “Network Mapper,” is a network discovery and security auditing tool that is free and open-source (license).

Datasets / Freemium Services:

84. Shodan

All of Shodan’s data is accessible to other programs thanks to a public API that Shodan offers. Nmap, Metasploit, Maltego, FOCA, Chrome, Firefox, and several more programs all provide integration options.

85. Censys

Censys offers the most current, comprehensive picture of your known and unknown assets since it scans the most ports and has the largest certificate database in the world.

86. Rapid7 Forward DNS (FDNS)

This dataset includes all forward DNS domains that Rapid7’s Project Sonar is aware of as well as their replies to DNS queries.


The scanner searches an entire domain for all potential subdomains.

88. Seclists

A vulnerability tester’s friend is SecLists. This is a compilation of several lists used for security assessments that have been gathered in one location. Usernames, credentials, URLs, sensitive information patterns, prefetching payloads, interactive shells, and many others are examples of list types. The intention is to make it possible for a security tester to download this repository onto a brand-new testing machine and have access to any sort of list they would want.

89. Payloads All The Things

a collection of effective payloads and workarounds for web program security. Please be invited to refine your content and methodologies.

Miscellaneous Hacking Tools:

90. Ettercap

Ettercap is a feature-rich suite that offers live connection monitoring, content screening, support for proactive and inactive protocol disassembly, as well as several capabilities for networking and host assessment.

91. Transformations

Transformations render it simpler to spot typical data oddities, which may reveal security flaws or provide information on how to get around protections.

92. John the Ripper

The main way in which John the Ripper is provided is as original code, making it public and freely available.

93. Wireshark

Another network protocol inspector called Wireshark® enables you to record and interactively view network data.

94. Foxyproxy

The restricted proxying features of Firefox are entirely replaced with the sophisticated proxy management application FoxyProxy. Kindly choose FoxyProxy Basic a more basic tool with fewer setup choices.

95. Wappalyzer

A browser addon called Wappalyzer reveals the features that are utilized on websites. In addition to many other things, it can identify content managing platforms, eCommerce applications, web hosts, JavaScript structures, and advanced analytics.

96. Buildwith

The purpose of BuiltWith is just to assist designers, analysts, and programmers in learning what innovations are being used by websites so that they may choose which innovations to integrate themselves.

97. Altair

By handling the difficult portion of debugging GraphQL requests and executions, Altair GraphQL Server frees you up to concentrate on completing tasks.

98. THC Hydra

This application, a proof-of-concept code, was created to allow security experts and investigators to demonstrate how simple it might be to get unauthorized distant connectivity to a computer.

99. Swiftness X

Another tool for capturing notes during protests and BB.

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